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mortic Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
mortic::IConfigManagerThe Configuration Manager
mortic::IConfigSetThe configuration set holder
mortic::IEventAn event generated by the engine
mortic::IEventManagerGenerates and Dispatches Events
mortic::IFileA read/write file wrapper
mortic::IFileManagerManages and opens files
mortic::ILogManagerPrints messages to a log file
mortic::IMountMountable object on the VFS
mortic::IObjectA generic object class in mortic
mortic::IRootThe root class, which manages all objects
mortic::ISceneA scene or state in mortic
mortic::ISceneManagerThe Scene Manager
mortic::IScriptA wrapper to a python script
mortic::IScriptManagerA script manager for loading scripts
mortic::IVideoManagerA manager for video and textures
mortic::UValueA general container for all objects

Generated on Sat Dec 30 21:21:59 2006 for mortic by  doxygen 1.4.4