Welcome to the homepage of Sortua, the Mortic Engine Graphics Demo. Sortua is the testing ground for all of the features that eventually make it into Mortic, and eventually, the Expanses of Naryan. Check in here every once in a while to see what's coming around the corner, or to try Sortua for yourself!
Sortua 1.0a released - January 1, 2007
As promised, Sortua has been released. Unfortunatly, I did not have enough time to port it properly to Linux, so just a Windows release this time. Good news is, you don't have to compile it yourself! Be sure to have a relatively powerful machine, Sortua has been known to bring lesser computers to it's knees. Happy New Year, everyone!
New Release coming soon! - December 25, 2006
The very first release of Sortua is coming very soon! Although you know by now not to trust my predictions, I'm aiming for it to be a New Year's gift, much like Mortic 0.2 was for Christmas. In the meantime, be sure to gawk over the new progress pages for both Sortua and Mortic, and learn about our release schedule and naming system. Also, be sure to check out the brand-spanking new Documentation section of the Mortic site! Merry Christmas to all!
Sortua Video 00 - October 29, 2006
The very first sneak-peak of Sortua is out! Check out the Media section for a new video and screenshots fresh of the framebuffer, or, if you can't wait, you could take a look at the video on Google Video with a direct link